
PSALMS 145 : 20A
Berita Sekolah



HUT BPK PENABUR: Our Ministry in Sunday School of GKI Pamitran

Last Sunday (July 25) was a day full of joy. All teachers of SDK Plus PENABUR Cirebon had a Sunday service in the GKI Pamitran Sunday School to celebrate PENABUR’s 71st birthday.

Happy to be able to share joy and learn God’s Word with GKI Pamitran Sunday school children.

We learnt about the ten plagues of Egypt because Pharaoh refused to set the Israelites free. Then, God decided to punish Pharaoh by sending ten plagues to Egypt. The ten plagues of Egypt were water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children. 

From God’s word we learn that God will help us in every situation and condition. We must obey God’s command and believe that God will never leave us. 

May the spirit of sharing and having an impact on others can be continued in the other services of BPK PENABUR as this year’s theme: dare to change; share and impact others.

God bless us 🙏 To God be the Glory!

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